tt::ex Namespace Reference

Tartan tt::Board exceptions set. More...


class  tartan
 Base class for all tartan exceptions. More...
class  bad_set
 Exception when Board::set() functions fail. More...
class  bad_piece
 Base class for exceptions about pieces. More...
class  null_piece
 Thrown when Piece pointer is nullptr when it should not be. More...
class  foreign_piece
 Thrown when piece does not belong to Board object in which it is being processed. More...
class  bad_piece_spec
 Thrown when Board::piece() can not recognize Piece specification. More...
class  position_is_taken
 Thrown when Piece Position on Board is occupied when it should not to. More...
class  illegal_move
 Base class for Board::makeMove() function errors. More...
class  tile_is_empty
 Thrown when selected Piece location is empty of the Board. More...
class  piece_in_wrong_color
 Thrown when trying to Board::makeMove() on Piece that has wrong Piece::Color. More...
class  can_not_move
 Thrown when Board::makeMove() is performed on Piece that can not make any moves. More...
class  no_such_move
 Thrown when piece moved with Board::makeMove() can not have such move. More...
class  illegal_turn
 Thrown when constructed Piece::Turn object is malformed. More...
class  bad_piece_type
 Thrown when tt::Board::getPieceType() returns std::type_info that is not mentioned in its argument. More...

Detailed Description

Tartan tt::Board exceptions set.