
Project have to be configured with cmake [1] utillity. Install it on you'r system.

Demo build

To build and run the demo of chess game (without documentation), you can:

git clone https://github.com/Dolfost/tartan
cd tartan
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -B . -S .. -DTARTAN_DOCS=NO
cmake --build . -t iplay

Detailed build

Getting the sources

To get the repo from github, you can execute the

git clone https://github.com/Dolfost/tartan

To get ready for configuring step, execute next:

cd tartan
mkdir build
cd build

Build system configuration

Configuring has a bit of flexibility. You can use next cmake defines during configuration:

Option Type Fallback variabble Meaning
TARTAN_DOCS bool PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL Find doxygen and tools for docs generation
TARTAN_TESTING bool PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL Enable testing and build test executables

Fallback varriable value is used when the corresponding Option is not defined.

To configure a project, do the:

cmake -B . -S ..

from the tartan/build directory. To configure project to not build tests and documentation:



To produce executables, you have to execute:

cmake --build .

That command will build all targets (that have not been disabled by Build system configuration options)

Avaliable targets:

Target name Explanation
tt_board Board class and it's perefirals. (tartan/board/)
tt_chess Chessboard class and it's perefirals (tartan/chess/)
doc Documentation
iplay Interactive textual chess game implementation

For example, to build iplay target, you can

cmake --biuld . -t iplay

in the tartan/build directory.


To test the produced executables, run the ctest tool in the build directory.


Note that no test will be avaliable when the TARTAN_TESTING is set to false.


The tartan/build/ directory will contain next folders (if You have not disabled some components with options at Build system configuration):

  • doc Documentation of library. You can open html documentation by opening tartan/build/doc/html/index.html in your browser.
  • board Base board and piece API classes library (tt::Board, tt::Piece)
  • chess Chess game implemented (tt::chess)
  • tests Test executables. The tests/interactivePlay is a example chess implementation