Chess API
No Matches

Project have to be configured with cmake utillity. Install it on you'r system.

Demo build

To build and run the demo of chess game (without documentation), you can:

git clone https://github.com/Dolfost/tartan
cd tartan
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -B . -S .. -DTARTAN_DOCS=NO
cmake --build . -t iplay

Detailed build

Getting the sources

To get the repo from github, you can execute the

git clone https://github.com/Dolfost/tartan

To get ready for configuring step, execute next:

cd tartan
mkdir build
cd build

Build system configuration

Configuring has a bit of flexibility. You can use next cmake defines during configuration:

Option Type Fallback variabble Meaning
TARTAN_TARTAN bool YES Provide build and install rules for library
TARTAN_DOCS bool PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL Find doxygen and tools for docs generation
TARTAN_TESTING bool PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL Enable testing and build test executables

Fallback varriable value is used when the corresponding Option is not defined.

To configure a project, do the:

cmake -B . -S ..

from the tartan/build directory. To configure project to not build tests and documentation:



To produce executables, you have to execute:

cmake --build .

That command will build all targets (that have not been disabled by Build system configuration options)

Avaliable targets:

Target name Explanation
tt_board Board class and it's perefirals. (tartan/board/)
tt_chess Chessboard class and it's perefirals (tartan/chess/)
doc Documentation
iplay Interactive textual chess game implementation

For example, to build iplay target, you can

cmake --biuld . -t iplay

in the tartan/build directory.


To test the produced executables, run the ctest tool in the build directory.


Note that no test will be avaliable when the TARTAN_TESTING is set to false.


The tartan/build/ directory will contain next folders (if You have not disabled some components with options at Build system configuration):

  • doc Documentation of library. You can open html documentation by opening tartan/build/doc/html/index.html in your browser.
  • board Base board and piece API classes library (tt::Board, tt::Piece)
  • chess Chess game implemented (tt::chess)
  • tests Test executables. The tests/interactivePlay is a example chess implementation
  • packaging/out Path where cpack will wirte it's generated packages