Getting started with chess

To setup the chess game, following have to be done:

Here is simple example of textual chess game implementation:

#include <tartan/chess.hpp>
#include "tartan/board/exceptions.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main() {
// create Board object
// fill board with default piece set
// print chessboard to screen
std::cout << board;
while (not board.currentKing()->checkmate()) {
do { // parse for turn
std::cout << "Enter valid move: ";
std::cin >> turn;
} while (not std::cin);
try { // check if Positions are correct
from = tt::Piece::Position(turn.substr(0, 2));
to = turn.substr(2, 2); // use of implicit converion
} catch (std::exception& ex) {
std::cout << "Error: position is invalid: "
<< ex.what() << "\n";
try { // perform the turn
board.makeTurn(from, to);
} catch (tt::ex::tartan& ex) {
std::cout << "Turn error:\n";
std::cout << board;
std::cout << "\nGame finished!\n";
return 0;
void fill()
Fills current Board with default pieces.
Definition: board.cpp:166
Piece position at the Board.
Definition: board.hpp:37
Chess game board.
Definition: chess.hpp:22
Base class for all tartan exceptions.
Definition: exceptions.hpp:18
T substr(T... args)
T what(T... args)

Here are more complex TUI chess game implementation:

#include <tartan/chess.hpp>
#include "tartan/board/exceptions.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// clears the screen
void cls(void);
// recurses to print the explanatory of the exception it holds
void print_exception(const std::exception& e, int level = 0);
int main() {
// create Board object
// fill board with default piece set
// print chessboard to screen
std::cout << board;
while (not board.currentKing()->checkmate()) {
do { // parse for turn
std::cout << "Enter valid move: ____\b\b\b\b";
std::cin >> turn;
} while (not std::cin);
try { // check if from is correct
from = tt::Piece::Position(turn.substr(0, 2));
} catch (std::exception& ex) {
std::cout << "Error: 'from' position is invalid: "
<< ex.what() << "\n";
try { // check if to is correct
to = turn.substr(2, 2); // use of implicit converion
} catch (std::exception& ex) {
std::cout << "Error: 'to' position is invalid: "
<< ex.what() << "\n";
try { // perform the turn
board.makeTurn(from, to);
} catch (tt::ex::tartan& ex) {
std::cout << "Turn error:\n";
cls(); // clear the screen
std::cout << board; // and put board on it
// announce that game have finished
std::cout << "\nGame finished!\n" <<
(board.currentKing()->color() == tt::Piece::Color::White ?
"White" : "Black") << " king is under checkmate.\n";
return 0;
void cls(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
void print_exception(const std::exception& e, int level) {
std::cerr << std::string(level, ' ') <<
"exception: " << e.what() << '\n';
try {
} catch(const std::exception& e) {
print_exception(e, level+1);
} catch(...) {}
T rethrow_if_nested(T... args)